The plans laid out in the Decision Report November 21 showed trees to be planted in tree pits along this section of the Lynchford Road. As you can see there is plenty of space for this to have been done. The shade and greenery with all its benefits would have been welcome. North Camp Support Group want to know why this has not been done.
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Warm Homes Project
On the 11th April we invited Peter Moss of Petersfield Climate Action Network to give a presentation and advice on keeping our homes warm and the concept of retrofitting. We took away so many ideas and now feel inspired to access a thermal imaging camera. With some training we will be able to see where the thermal leaks are in our homes, reduce our energy bills and keep warm.
The Lynchford Road and Biodiversity
With the works on the Lynchford Road that have been going on for the last year or so the damage to biodiversity and nature will have been significant. We are pleased that Hampshire County Council have managed some tree and shrub planting and that also Napier Pond has been cleaned up. However we were promised trees in front of the space between the junctions of Peabody Road and Morris Road. This has not happened. As a starter lets meet up at Napier Gardens on the 6th May and whilst litter picking have conversation about biodiversity and restoring the Lynchford Road Green Corridor.
Napier Gardens and Pond
The pond at Napier Gardens has recently been cleared and tidied up. It all looks much better but very bare. Plants will grow again and provide a habitat for wildlife. It would be great if we can help keep the pond looking good with a healthy environment for our community. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute to making these gardens look great and inviting for our community and nature.
Lynchford Road Contractors
Meet the Contractor – Engagement Event, Thursday 29th September 2022 at the Holiday Inn (Queens Hotel)
North Camp Support Group members went to this event to meet the HCC Team and members of the contractor team, Jacksons. The engagement was positive.
The new scheme is a great improvement on the original 4 lane highway planned with the removal of 90 plus trees. Far fewer trees are to be removed and the tree planting on the South side should help create a continuous green corridor on the South side of the A3011. Nature based solutions are also in evidence with run off water being used to water newly planted trees.
We were able to express our thoughts on issues such as:
The quality of surface for the proposed footways and cycleway.
Mitigation planting and the management of trees post planting.
Our disappointment that the 8 trees to be planted on the North Side of Lynchford Road between Peabody Road and Morris has been reduced to 4.
The 2 new junctions facing Fabrica and the North Camp Pub will reduce the amount of previously planned public realm space close to the Greek Corner and add to road danger and air pollution for people on foot and cycling.
We encourage the North Camp Community to engage with HCC and Jackson’s throughout the time period of the scheme development.
North Camp Support Group Hustings Has Won an Award from Friends of the Earth
North Camp Support Group have organised and hosted hustings for the last 4 years in Rushmoor and for the General Election in 2019. During Covid we ran a Webinar Hustings for the local County and District Elections and sought the help on Friends of the Earth to do this. We are very proud to have received this Award and believe that a hustings is part of the democratic process in selecting the best candidate for the job and getting people to vote.
St Mark’s Ward May Election Hustings 2022
On Wednesday 6th April NCSG hosted a Hustings at The Methodist Church Hall for all the election candidates. It was terribly wet evening and people were very aware of COVID. 20 residents turned up and engaged with the democratic process.
The candidates Craig Card, Lib Dem and Barry Jones, Labour attended. They responded to genuine questions asked by the audience. A big thank you to both candidates for coming along and representing yourselves and your party so well. Also a big thank you to everyone who turned up and supported our event.
A final congratulations to Craig Card who was the elected candidate.
The North Camp Support Group was formed to protect North Camp village from damage to the community from the Lynchford Road scheme in the Farnborough Growth Package proposed in 2018.
You can find a timeline of the scheme and our responses in this blog and together with links to relevant documents.